Have you ever seen a movie, read a book or listened to a song that truly spoke to you?

Perhaps there was something that caught your attention
Perhaps you could relate to the characters in that story
Perhaps there was something that resonated with your own story

Stories can change us.

They can impact us, challenge us and transform us, sometimes in ways we least expect.

Immerse invites you to enter into one of the greatest stories ever told.


Over six days you will hear and experience God’s story as it comes to life. You will be given the opportunity to experience the story through all your senses and encounter the behaviours, thoughts and emotions of the characters.

You will learn things you never knew.

As you join with others you will form friendships, encourage each other and teach one another many things.

So go on, dive into this life-giving story and experience God like never before!

Stay tuned for news about 2018!

Immerse is a 6 day experience for high school youth, which uses a variety of creative and interactive means to tell the story of God.

Over the week the youth are invited to journey through God’s story, to imagine themselves in the story, and to discover what God is saying to them through it.

Immerse aims to bring God’s story to life, to help the youth remember it and to dialogue about it. The whole story, from start to end, is told through 7 episodes and presented in a variety of ways - group discussions, art, music, Q&A, drama, videos and interactive stations – providing the youth with a place to discuss the story, interact with it and have the space to think through their own lives as they connect it with God’s.

Stories from Immerse

Check out these videos from Immerse 2015 and hear from students about their experiences as well as hearing more about the purpose behind Immerse



“God has been saying to me this week that I have to start following him, believe in him and have faith.” – year 10 student

“[One of the stations] made me think about how I stand with God and with others. Being God’s light isn’t about speaking His word. You can just go up and love and encourage them. Speaking his word is just a bonus.” – year 11 student

“Before I came [to Immerse] I used to think that Jesus didn’t understand what I’m going through, but I saw that Jesus does understand.” – year 7 student

“We often want other things than God. All Jesus wants is us. Often we look for what we need elsewhere rather than opening up our Bible and turning to Jesus.” – year 11 student

“Jesus died, and has dealt with all of my sin, so I can have no guilt and focus on serving... IT IS FINISHED” – year 11 student

“Before this camp I was a Christian who had good faith and I still needed to let go of my fears and go through this week. It personally touched me and I took a step to become a better Christian. What I realised was I received and got accepted into the grace of God that I never felt before, it really did affect me in the best way.” – year 9 student

Keep an eye out for upcoming events!

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