The basic idea was to invite Victorian Uni students to meet together in small groups and go on food outings together. Students were given incentives as they attended these meet ups (e.g. Netflix voucher). The aim was to help incoming students get connected to the Power to Change community. Especially given the lockdown last year, we saw this as an opportunity to serve the student community and help them be connected.
The Digital team at Power to Change HQ lent their expertise to get promotion and registration working. And praise God – we saw nearly 100 people signup for the initiative! 

One of our students, excitedly shared about his first Food Safari gathering: "A praise point from today. There's a first year at Monash that came whose name is Oz*,  and he's really keen. Was able to know him really well through talking to him for 4 hrs and had some really good conversation about sharing Jesus, what it means to be a Christian and what Power to Change is about. He's really keen to check out Power to Change, so much so that he just sent me a message to make sure that I invited him to summer program."
We’re excited to share that subsequently Oz has been more and more involved with our Power to Change community at Monash. In fact, at Orientation week he (as a first year) got involved with our campus evangelism and got alongside us in talking to other students about Jesus and faith. And he’s inviting other friends (both Christian & non-Christian) to check out Power to Change.
There’s been other students who have got connected through the Food Safari and have heard the Gospel through it. One girl, Qu*, for example, is now going through a Christianity Explained course. We praise God for how he has used this initiative to connect us in with a whole new group of people, and excited to see how we can point them to Jesus in their journey this year.
* Names changed for privacy purposes

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