Thanks for considering joining us! We'd love to chat with you about opportunities here that might fit how God made you.



Have you thought about the eternal fate of Australia? 22% of Australians register as having no religious affiliation. Those claiming 'no religion' comprise the second largest block of religious beliefs in Australia. Correspondingly, over the past ten years, the percentage of those identifying with a religion has declined by 4.5%. The 2009 Australian Survey of Social Attitudes indicated that of the 22% who express 'no religion', "one-third may be atheists, one-quarter agnostics, and about 40% of them feel there is something beyond, perhaps God, or perhaps some sort of higher power." By far the majority of those who indicate they are Christians do so because they believe in the values of Christianity and not a personal relationship with God through Jesus.

Since 1971, the percentage of Australians following a religion other than Christianity has increased from less than 1% to 7% of the population. Australia has undergone incredible change over the past fifteen years. People rely on experience and one another to determine the truth. Jesus is the light and provides life. Many changes in Australia have opened up incredible opportunities for the gospel.

With the tremendous spiritual needs, Jesus' words carry much significance - "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." We need labourers to help reach Australians on the field and behind the scenes. Join us with Campus, Families, Church Movements, GAiN, Youth, or in HQ. 

You can make a difference! 


"I urge you ... to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and please to God..." Romans 12:1

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ..." Matthew 28:18-19

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37,39


The opportunity for involvement in full-time ministry is a great privilege. Although it is not for everyone, we believe that in view of the needs of the world and the love and mandate of Jesus Christ, being in full-time ministry is a possibility all Christians should prayerfully consider. Our application process is designed to help you decide if Power to Change is where you would like to serve God.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider joining us!

"I love to help encourage people to trust God for big things. Seeing people take a step of faith and trust God with the impossible or at least the highly improbable get me excited. We serve a God who wants to do so much more than we ask or imagine." - Tim Freyer

"Do not give yourself to that which others can and will do, but to that which others cannot or will not do." Jim Elliot


 We need people in...

International student campus

Information Technologies


Campus Leaders

Database Management


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Thanks for considering joining us! We'd love to chat with you about opportunities here that might fit how God made you.


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