Becoming a mentor might sound intimidating, but it’s not. You and your partner have more to offer than you realise. Your story, with all its ups and downs, can give hope and help to a younger couple. The best part? Mentoring another couple not only sets them up for success, it’s guaranteed to strengthen your own marriage in the process. You don't need to be a trained counsellor, just someone with a heart to help.  Join a growing number of couples who are changing the face of marriage in Australia.


"We were surprised how easy the Mentor Guide is to follow and understand.This is great information.
We are not just helping enrich other couples’ marriages but also our own."

- Mentor couple -


What Is a Marriage Mentor?

Imgained future

Have you ever thought how you could help younger couples? How can you practically invest in the upcoming generation? Look no further, marriage mentoring is here!

A Marriage Mentor is simply a couple who is a bit further down the path and looks back to help others navigate some of the life challenges they are facing. It's not about being on-call for every crisis or having all of the answers; it's being a listening ear that encourages a couple and helps point them in the right direction. It's about helping a younger couple build their dreams on a lasting foundation that will work. Young couples don't want to connect with someone who has a perfect life ... they want someone who is real, has real shortcomings and faces real life issues but is growing and walking well through those hardships. Couples who fail but who don't give up. Will you be the guides that help a younger couple develop a fruitful marriage and avoid years of painful mistakes and frustration?


How does Marriage Mentoring work?

  • Training: Mentor Couples couples receive effective video training. Both the time (three hours) and cost are minimal.
  • Timeline: The two couples commit to meeting once a month (approximately) for one year, and choose from 14 conversation topics. Each topic supports a healthy marriage with a conversation guide and a take home project.


How do I get Started?

Getting started is easy!

1. Set up a time to meet with the couple you are wanting to mentor.

2. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive some ideas of topics to explore

3. Meet with your couple and begin the conversation and see where it takes you!


Get started today!

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